Generative AI and curated Large Language Models (LLM)

Generative AI and curated Large Language Models (LLM)

June 25th 2024. Baltimore, MD – Shivaji Sengupta is hosting a panel (8.15 AM EST Room: Engagement Theater 1: Swing Hall – #3203) at the AFCEA TechNetCyber 2024 Conference with key individuals from Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) discussing a topic of utmost importance in today’s rapidly evolving world…

Smart City Cybersecurity

Smart City Cybersecurity

Mr. Shivaji Sengupta put together and moderated the Smart City Cybersecurity / Connected Communities panel at the AFCEA Homeland Security Conference held in Atlanta, GA on July 17-19 2023. Smart cities are urban environments that use information and communication technology (ICT) to improve the quality and performance of urban services, reduce costs and resource consumption,…

Supply Chain Cybersecurity Panel

Supply Chain Cybersecurity Panel

Mr. Shivaji Sengupta organized and moderated the Supply Chain Cybersecurity panel at the AFCEA Homeland Security Conference held in Atlanta, GA on July 17-19 2023. When we think about cybersecurity, they most often think of securing their networks, software, and digital assets against cyber-attacks and data breaches. But the supply chain – whether a traditional…

Leveraging AI to Streamline Operations

Leveraging AI to Streamline Operations

November 15th, 2023. San Antonio, TX. – Shivaji Sengupta hosted a panel at the AFCEA ALAMO ACE Conference with key individuals on the DOD and industry side discussing a topic of utmost importance in today’s rapidly evolving world of technology and security. The subject at hand was “Leveraging AI to Streamline Operations for the Department…